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Oracle JET(OJET) Interview Questions and Answers

Question: What are the internal architecture of OJET?

To support the MVVM design, Oracle JET is built upon a modular framework that includes a collection of third-party libraries and Oracle-provided files, scripts, and libraries.

The Oracle JET Common Model and Collection Application Programming Interface (API) implements the model layer. The API includes the following JavaScript objects:

  • Model: Represents a single record data from a data service such as a RESTful web service

  • Collection: Represents a set of data records and is a list of Model objects of the same type

  • Events: Provides methods for event handling

  • KnockoutUtils: Provides methods for mapping the attributes in an Model or Collection object to Knockout observables for use with component view models.

To implement the View layer, Oracle JET provides a collection of UI components implemented as HTML5 custom elements, ranging from basic buttons to advanced data visualization components such as charts and data grids.

Knockout.js implements the ViewModel and provides two-way data binding between the view and model layers.

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